First and foremost, the entire team at AAPNA hopes that you and your dear
ones are safe and well at this difficult time of the Coronavirus pandemic.

AAPNA is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 (Novel Corona Virus) situation, which has rapidly escalated throughout the world. By the grace of God and preparedness by government agencies, India has till now recorded a smaller number of positive cases of COVID-19.
AAPNA has also taken various precautionary measures at the company level to ensure the safety of all its team members, and play our role as a responsible employer in helping the world to contain the situation. Along with our employee’s safety, our goal is also to ensure that all project deliveries should not get affected during this difficult period. And to that extent, we are committed to do “EVERYTHING IT TAKES” for ensuring that business continues as usual.

Keeping in mind the safety of our team members and our visitors, AAPNA
had set the following guidelines about a week back –
- We suspended the Biometric Attendance of our staff and went the “attendance register” way.
- At entry, disinfecting spray has been kept for all the employees and visitors to clean their hands before entering the premises.
- Our office attendants have been instructed to circulate Hot Water at regular intervals to all the team members and our visitors too.
- We distributed free soap strips to all to maintain personal hygiene.
- We procured contactless thermometers, to check temperature at entry points.
- All company travel was suspended – inter-city, domestic and international.
- In-person interviews, office visitors, and deliveries from our vendors/suppliers are restricted. Instead we have advised to conduct “Skype Calls” – for interviews, conference calls etc.
- Any team member who has traveled abroad – work related/vacation or is in-person contact with anyone who has traveled abroad since March 1st, has been asked to report it to Human Resources.
- We have requested our team members to stay at home, if they or any of their family member or known contact whom they have met recently, is sick or have any symptom of respiratory ailment.
- Finally, a majority of team members (95%) have been asked to work remotely. Our offices will remain open, twice a week, for transacting any essential business and meetings, with only the most essential staff present.
To this end, IT Admin staff has worked tirelessly to enable “Work from Home” by procuring and enabling extra infrastructure.
We have thus reduced our impact by OVER 95%.
As we navigate these difficult times, we hope and pray for your safety and good health. We are playing our part as a responsible company and would request each one of us to stay together to fight this deadly virus and arise as winners.
Should you need any further assistance, you may kindly reach out to us anytime.