
The current Rate & Recording Fee Calculator used by one of our Mortgage client was cumbersome and does not have all the functionality required to properly interface with the Ernst program, which is resulting in recording fees and taxes not being properly collected from the borrower during loan closing.


The current Rate & Recording Fee Calculator used by one of our Mortgage client was cumbersome and does not have all the functionality required to properly interface with the Ernst program, which is resulting in recording fees and taxes not being properly collected from the borrower during loan closing.


Incorrect fee calculated -Inaccuracy


Supporting only 1 Dead at a time


Loosing end user’s trust as well as revenue


Complex calculations, inflexible to maintain

Our Approach


Solutions Implemented


Clearly Defined and Measured the problem with its impact analysis


Collaboration with BA’s ,Developers and client stakeholders to gather all technical specifications.

website design

Designed and Implemented Keyword Driven framework-created automation script using SELENIUM.


Extensive UAT Cases to verify the proposed tool.

Impact Delivered

Before After
95% Accuracy 99.9% Accuracy
Complex Code – Low Productivity Well Designed Code – High Productivity
Probability of revenue & Credibility loss No probability of revenue & Credibility loss
Hard to Maintain Easy to Maintain
Change request – Partial Change request – Welcome

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