We had the pleasure of working with Aapna Infotheek to launch our website www.culinaryfusionsincubator.com in May/June 2012. They helped program and execute our creative design in the WordPress format. We were very impressed with their responsiveness, customer-service and technical expertise.
We were experiencing some challenges in executing the design that we had developed for our website when we approached Aapna. We wanted to maintain a similar design and feel across desktop and mobile platforms. We were provided a project manager who developed a timeline and kept us updated of the progress. Not only did they help us execute what we had in mind, they did that at a great speed too. We would be considering Aapna for our future needs and recommending them to others too.

–Raminder Bindra, President

Raminder Bindra, President
Culinary Fusions Incubator

Yes the team here are impressed with the amount of work undertaken by AAPNA and the scope we have for our prototype, congratulations. This is going to make it a valuable process to share the intellectual capital we have in the prototype design with the UK diabetes community and potential investors in our business.


Balanced Living

I am Mohit Goel from Neelam Sales Agency. We have had the honor of being associated with AAPNA right from the beginning when they had their office in the Incubator at JSSATE, Noida. Call it luck or destiny, but there was more than just NSA’s relation with JSS that helped us find connect with AAPNA. My father, Mr. L.K. Goel, turned out to be a senior of Mr. Roy from his engineering days. This automatically created a trustworthy relation between us.

We have had the opportunity to witness AAPNA’s wonderful growth over the years and thank Mr. Roy for always choosing us to be their preferred IT Vendor. In fact, we have witnessed such cases with many of our clients, but what makes AAPNA ‘Special’ is that I had the opportunity to interact at a very professional level with the man behind the success of AAPNA. I have seen him work very closely over the last year, especially the way he conducts himself at BNI and has led the group, and he has become a role model to me.

  • He communicates his vision for AAPNA very effectively
  • He is Passionate about his vision
  • He is a Great Decision Maker. He is Quick, he is Thoughtful and he is Committed
  • He is a Great Team Builder. Always keep’s the teams spirits up. I have interacted with many of his team members and all are so joyful at work
  • He has Great Character, which is the foundation for all his other traits

Apart from interacting on the work front, he has become a very good pal.After 6 years of calling him ‘Sir’, he became ‘Abhijit’ and then very quickly ‘Dada’. All this happened in a span of 1 year.What I love about him is that he is always the first person in the group to start dancing, and also drinking. I love his expression “Ohh..” which displays the innocence within him.

All-in-all, he is a great leader and an even better human being. The entire team at Neelam Sales Agency wishes him and the entire AAPNA team all the very best and we hope to be part of your Annual Day each year to share your happiness in success.

Form Neelam Sales Agency
(Mohit Goel) Managing Director

Mohit Goel, Managing Director
Neelam Sales Agency

HRCRAFT business consulting’s main line of business is conducting online employee surveys such as 360 degree feedback and Employee Engagement Surveys. We also develop applications for the Human Resource Function such as Career Planning and New Employee Onboarding.

We conducted our first employee survey in May 2005 and partnered with AAPNA for handling the development and deployment of the online platform. AAPNA did a fabulous job with developing the online survey application and gave us the confidence to seek more work in this area.

Since then AAPNA has helped us conduct nearly 100 surveys, involving over 75,000 people and have delivered on time, every time. The credit for our ability to meet and exceed client expectations goes to AAPNA for being able to deliver what we need, when we need and how we need it.

We at HRCraft conceptualize application and the team at AAPNA develops it. Most of the time we provide the raw concept and AAPNA team comes back with an Application which is 95% ready to go live. So we spend our time on fine tuning the balance 5% which enables us to take on more projects.

The team at AAPNA demonstrates the qualities that are key to our business:

Robust Development, Commitment to getting things done, and Ability to deliver on time, every time.

I would recommend AAPNA to everyone who wants to leverage the power of the web to drive their business. Whether it is website or web enabled applications, AAPNA has demonstrated its ability to deliver great quality work with very short turnaround times.

Rahul Sharma
Nov 14, 2011

Rahul Sharma
HRCraft Consulting Group

Name: Rajnish Virmani, Managing Director

Company: Leadership Fairways Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

Date of Service: JanuaryFebruary 2012

Service provided: Establishing and Maintaining Corporate Website

Overall satisfaction rating: Wonderful… Top Bracket

Experience with AAPNA Infotech services:

I found the team to be very knowledgeable and supportive to my requests. Time commitments were upheld and delivery was timely. The convenience of existing frameworks to choose from, worked very well. Quality of the end product was well received by my prospective customers. Well Done. Keep it Up.

Leadership Fairways Consulting Pvt. Ltd

Regd. Office: 306 B, Management Apartments, Plot 17, Sector 5, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075
Branch Office: C1-1001, Uniworld City, Sector 30 Gurgaon – 122001

Rajnish Virmani, Managing Director
Leadership Fairways

We thoroughly enjoyed working with you and would highly recommend your services.

Program Coordinator, The World Bank
The World Bank

We have been extremely pleased with their knowledge and expertise of IT products and services, high quality of staff, and prompt delivery of output.

Operations Advisor, The World Bank
The World Bank

The site made by you is not good…….. It is very good. We have already started getting business through our website.

Atithi, New Delhi

I first met Abhijit at a BNI networking meet in October,2010. He came across as someone with in-depth knowledge of Web solutions, Web content and E-commerce business. As I also belong to the same industry, we both connected well and developed great chemistry over the coming months… more

Vikas Rajput, CEO
MR Reporting

The mobile website was a huge success!!!!

It works great, I am already getting several responses daily!!! 25% of my emails are coming from the mobile site.

The expenditure screen (drive thru and counter ) is AWESOME! I tested it on the touch screen and it is really cool! The printing program amazes me. It works so well.

–Jeff Kolar, Vice President